Oriko Leather USB Armband – Fashionable USB Storage

Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband

Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband

If you love fashion and you love technology, you might be interested in checking out the Oriko Leather USB Armband, which as the name, and photo above implies, is a USB flash drive that you can wear around your wrist, allowing you to not only look fashionable, but at the same time allow you to carry your files with you on the go. We know that losing USB flash drives is notoriously easy, so hopefully this wearable piece might make it a little harder. The Oriko Leather USB Armband is made from 60 year old leather, but unfortunately no details are available at the moment regarding pricing and storage options, although the company has revealed that production is currently underway and that availability should be announced soon. For more information and photos, head on over to Oriko’s website.



Source: http://www.oriko.com/#industrie&001usb_armband



Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband

Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband


Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband

Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband


Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband

Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband


Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband

Oriko Leather USB Storage Armband


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